Experience of Latvian Refugees in German territories in 1944/1945


During the Second World War, about 200,000 people fled Latvia and went in Westward direction. The historians have so far studied in depth the advance of the Red Army on the territory of Latvia and the subsequent implementation of the evacuation plans, but less attention has been be paid to the detailed study of the escape process. The author of the report analyzes the opportunities provided by oral history sources in the research of this process, based on the life-story interviews of the National Oral History Collection and concentrating on the fate of refugees in the territory of the German Reich. The refugee experience in Germany has both common features and differences, because they were both placed and went for themselves to various places of the Reich; part spent the entire time in one place of residence, leading a rather peaceful everyday life, while others were forced to look for places of refuge and livelihood over and over again. The report is prepared within the Project Strengthening of the capacity of doctoral studies at the University of Latvia within the framework of the new doctoral model, identification No.

Sep 22, 2023
Tartu (Igaunija)
Maija Krūmiņa
vadošā pētniece

Vēsturniece, Latvijas Universitātes Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūta pētniece