What the migrants’ stories tell us: Latvians in Sweden and Norway after 1991


Life story interviews are opportunities to share an individual’s experience. The life story approach gives the voice to the person, offering an opportunity to express his or her interpretation of individual events as well as the person’s own opinions and estimations. In addition to statistics, Oral history reveals the human dimension in migration processes. Testimonies of the life stories of emigrants also reveal strategies of inclusion used by people in their new home countries: the need to learn the language and culture of the new home country; the need to find a place and community; and the need to define / re-define links and relationships with Latvia. This is a story about Latvians abroad who were able to overcome difficulties and successfully begin new lives. The present analysis is based on life story interviews with Latvian emigrants in Sweden and Norway after 1991, gathered in the Latvian National Oral history collection and in the collection of the museum «Latvians abroad – Museum and Research Centre».

Nov 26, 2020 — Nov 27, 2020
The 7th international symposium of the Finnish Oral History Network FOHN «Power, Authority, and Voice»
Helsinki (Finland)
Ginta Elksne

Socioloģe, LU zinātniskā asistente, strādā LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūtā.
